Download Application Performance Measures as Excel

Download Application Performance Measures Import Specification


The application performance measures workbook creates performance categories and measure against which to measure applications.
This exports an ods file, save as xslx before re-importing.

Sheet Description
REF Applications A list of applications, we recommend you don't add data to these here but update the repository or use Launchpad to add this data
XXXX_Performance_Measures Measures that map a category and a service quality value, there are different performance measure types so one sheet for each.
XXXX_Service_Quals Service qualities which you want to measure the application against, again one for each layer, e.g. Timelines.
XXXX_Service_Qual_Values The allowable values for each service quality, e.g. values such as poor, good, excellent. Note the scores, these are important to capture as they are used to calculate overall scores and are numeric.
Perf Measure Categories Categories for your measures, assign the performance measure class type the measure is applicable for in column G
Perf Measure Cat 2 Class Set the classes which this category applies to - unlike the above, this can be any class
Perf Measure Cat 2 SQ Map Define the service qualities in scope of this category