Any changes you make will not appear in Essential Viewer until you re-publish the repository

Configure Essential

This tool allows you to set the configuration for Essential Viewer for a specific repository. The currently selected repository is


Set Reports

Create root capabilities and set data for models


Set Enumeration Styles

Set the colour schemes for your Enumerations


Set Portals

Set up your portals

Root Capability

For the Business Capability Model to work, we must configure a root capability, i.e. the top level of the capability model. For your organisation, this might be called something like "MyCompany"

Root Business Capability currently set to:


Capability Levels

The Business and Application reference models use some taxonomy terms to determine the layout of the models. The Business Reference Model uses a Front (office), Manage, Back (office) taxonomy. The Application Reference Model uses a Left, Middle, Right, taxonomy to determine the layout. Assign the relevant Level 1 capabilities as appropriate.

Root Organisation

For the Organisation Chart to work, we must configure the root organisation, i.e. the top level of the organisation structure. For you, this might be an organisation called something like "MyCompany"

Root Organisation currently set to:


Configure Roles for Essential Editors

Select Classes for which role is relevant, this will be used in the Editor dropdowns, e.g. Application Owner is relevant for the Application_Provider its children classes

Assign Service Qualities to Classes

You can set service qualities so they apply to specific classes only, this editor enables this. Select Classes for which the service quality is relevant.

Enumeration Styles

New Portal





